This items has been in very poor condition when I bought it. Please see photos at the bottom of the page to find out more. When it arrived I send it to a craftsman for conservation work. In this particular case all parts were cleaned using only manual work. It took around a week of very demanding work under microscope. Because of the method used, original patine has not beed damaged. Also no gold was lost. To achieve perfect result visible on the photos fuchikashira had to be slightly patinated in few spots. Other then that no work besides cleaning has been performed. No gold was added.
By buying this item you will support future preservations work like this one. All of the money from the sale will be spend on purchase and conservation work of other items in similar condition. Therefore more items will be saved and brought back to former glory.
Item description:
Shakudo nanako fuchiakshira decorated with Shishi.
Shakudo menuki decorated with Shishi and peony.
Made in Edo Period.
Fuchi: 38 mm x 23 mm x 11 mm
Kashira: 34 mm x 27 mm x 10 mm
1: 32 mm x 14 mm
2: 33 mm x 14 mm