Iron tsuba signed "Seijuken Hamano Haruyoshi". Decorated with Ri Haku (Li Bai) and his attendants looking at the Kan-Baku (Great Waterfall) located in Lushan. Li Bai was a Chinese poet of the Tang Dynasty that ruled over China between year 618 and 907.
Hamano Haruyoshi was active around 1825 and resided in Edo (Tokyo). He was a student of second Hamano Noriyuki, Yoshiharu and Haruchika. It seems that he specialised in shakudo and iron tsuba depicting Ri Haku.
Made of iron and decorated with gold, shakudo, copper and silver inlay.
Condition: this tsuba was in poor condition and was cleaned. However spots where rust was now have small holes that are well visible on otherwise even ground.
This piece is not certified however I guarantee it will pass NBTHK shinsa.
Size: 75 mm x 70 mm x 5 mm