Shakudo nanako tsuba signed "Mori Tokinobu" with Kao.
"Tokinobu (1827-1879) was a student of the second Sano generation Naoteru (直照) who was later adopted his master and succeeded as third generation of this school. His real name was Mori Ichijūrō (守市十郎) and tradition has it that he also learned from the Yanagawa master Naotoki (直時)": artist description from Metropolitan Museum of Art of New York City website.
Tsuba decorated with Rokkasen, "Six Poetry Immortals" active in early Heian Period. Based on my observations this are the three of the six depicted on this tsuba: Ariwara no Narihira, Sojo Henjō and Bunya no Yasuhide or Ōtomo no Kuronushi.
Tsuba made of shakudo and decorated with silver, gold, copper and shakudo inlay.
This particular tsuba was sold at 2004 in Christie's auction house for 1554 GBP.
Made in late Edo or Early Meiji Period.
Size: 79 mm x 75 mm x 4 mm